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26 February - Stéphane Gizard, Photographer
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26 February - Stéphane Gizard, Photographer

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BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! MEETS ... Stéphane Gizard

Gizard is a French photographer whose fine art photography work is synonymous with 'boys'. His unique and distinct style is classic and distinctly 'French'. He has published many best selling books included Modern Lovers, Irréversible, New Faces and, We removed your post because it doesn’t follow our community guidelines.

His new BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! Zine is published to coincide with this event.

Doors Open: 6pm
Talk: 6.45 - 7.45pm
Doors Close: 8.30pm 

BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! Gallery Café
30C Warren Street, Fitzrovia, London W1T 5NF


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